Thursday, 18 October 2012

Pick 'n' Mix

Right, so we've got the task on our hands to come up with an animation bible in order to pitch an idea for an animated series. And what's a better source of inspiration than pretty coloured cards? I'll let you know when I think of it. 
We had to pick from four different piles of cards, and I ended up with 'Dancer' for my character, 'Winter Wonderland' for my setting, 'Feodor Rojankovsky' for my artist and 'Satire' as my genre.
I want to try getting to grips with the art style first; Feodor is a Russian children's book illustrator, and he seems to use mixed media in his work.

So I've taken a pot shot of the page on the right, using water colours and oil pastels. So far I'm liking it, although I need to be more careful with keeping to his colours. I do think the mixture of wet and dry media creates an interesting texture. Next time maybe I'll use chalk pastels instead of oil pastels, to see what overall effect that creates. I'd also best be practising more with how he draws characters. Anyways, that's all for now. 

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