Friday, 31 May 2013

Title sequence -SHOE

Behold, the magnificence of the shoe! Yeah, so is the one bit of tweened animation I contributed to this project; I had done the backgrounds earlier on. I feel that my lack of exploration into software has limited me in how I can contribute to projects, so I wish to change this. *Cue for corny saying* Afterall, knowledge is power! (I can't believe I actually typed that)


Here's my showreel. I need to do more animating in general, and start experimenting in my own time, as I don't have much under my belt.

Red or Dead

So yeah, this is our final red or dead film. I rather like the result, although i wish i could have helped more. I need to learn more skills and how to manage my time better so I am more efficient. Aftereffects seems like a very useful programme, and if I can get over my phobia of Maya, that would be great. I'm kind of pleased with the 2D animation I did, although I know some of it (specifically, the lion) went a bit too fast, and I don't feel like I captured the motion very well.


So, these are the practice animations I did to familiarise myself further with Celaction before starting on the actual shots. I find Celaction is kind of a tricky software to work with, but hopefully practice will remedy that. 

These are the two shots I did. I didn't accomplish as much as I wanted because it took me a longer time than I expected to animate them. I would like to make up for this by continuing to work on ChickenFox in June.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

Space baby test

A test animation of the space baby, for during the shot where he is jumping rope. I tried to introduce a bit of squash and stretch, don't know if it worked or not. Heidi and Darren have been giving me some pointers lately on easing in and easing out, so hopefully I'll be able to grasp them soon. I am starting to become more comfortable with toonboom, so I am happy about that.